So, you're pregnant.  And that was not the plan.
A positive pregnancy test can be quite a surprise.  This was just not how it was supposed to be.  More than likely this was not the plan you had for the story of your life.

Maybe you have never thought about the story of your life.  But God knows the plans He has for you and He has created you for a purpose - a purpose that is unique to you!  No matter how you are feeling, God loves you very much.  And He knows the larger story He has for you - which includes a bright and beautiful future.

Just like you, God created your baby with a purpose - a purpose that is unique to him or her!  His plan for your baby doesn't end with simply being born.  Your baby's life is just the beginning of new generations of people who will be impacted by your choice.  God was not surprised by your positive pregnancy test.  He knew this baby was growing in your womb even before you did.  

You may be uncertain how you feel right now.  Maybe you feel very alone or overwhelmed by the opinions of family and friends.  Regardless of your situation, Voice of Hope is a safe place to explore all your options.  Please
contact your local center to schedule an appointment to talk to a caring staff member.
college girl